A Great Blue Heron just pulled it’s head out of the water after missing the fish it wanted. Great light and interesting behavior are always part of my favorite photos.
This shoot was my first time using a 2.0 teleconverter. Until I needed to focus I’d forgotten why I hadn’t used it before. My Canon EOS Rebel T6i isn’t able to autofocus above f/5.6. Every picture I’d taken to this point had been using the 300 mm f/4.0 lens as is or with a 1.4 teleconverter.
The 1.4 teleconverter gave me 420 mm equivalent with a minimum aperture of f/5.6–which is the maximum aperture my camera body can autofocus. Since f/5.6 was where I wanted to be, I had no autofocus issues with the 1.4.

Focusing manually at f/11 wasn’t difficult while this heron was moving slowly in and through the water. Getting a sharp close-up exposing the details of the colorful water bird’s plumage and features is a real treat. I’ll be using the 2.0 a great deal more!