We’ve had a lot of eagle activity the last couple of weeks. Daily visits from two mature eagles and one imature. They’re perching in our trees and fishing the creek. I normally would be trying to post a bit more variety, but the eagle activity has been exceptional. I’ve also switched lens so these photos have a different look, feel, and sharpness. I moved back to the 400mm f/5.6. I need the larger apertue to get the clarity I’m seeking. I’ve captured shots of the juvenille bald eagle flying in the trees and then several shots of a mature eagle as it launched into the air from one of our big trees near the water.

I couldn’t believe he was in our tree and had decent light hitting part of his face. I’d be nice if there’s an eagle nest near our home this spring. I’d love to have more opportunities to photograph these birds fishing our creek.
I’ve noticed that when the eagles are around, vultures have appeared in large numbers. Both turkey vultures and black vultures; birds I normally see on highways cleaning up roadkill. Two days ago I almost stepped on a large fishhead and tail left on our dock. Next day both were gone. Vultures might be cleaning up after the eagles.